Friday, June 1, 2007

Andrei Lugovoi Gives His Version of Events

Russian businessmen Andrei Lugovoi and Dmitry Kovtun, who have been accused, respectively, by Great Britain of the murder of former FSB officer Alexander Litvinenko and by Germany of the illegal trafficking of radioactive materials, gave their version yesterday of the poisoning of Mr. Litvinenko in London.

According to them, the participants in Mr. Litivinenko's murder could include the British intelligence services, exiled Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky, and allies of mafia boss Zakhary Kalashov. The Russian prosecutor general's office and the FSB said that they will investigate the validity of these claims. Meanwhile, Alexander Litvinenko's father told Kommersant that his son had repeated the names of his murderers on his deathbed: Andrei Lugovoi and Dmitry Kovtun.

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